May 25, 2021

We’re Having Another Baby!

Posted in: Story of Us

You may have noticed that I haven’t shared many photos with my face over the last couple of months.  That’s because my face is usually the first to find out that I’m pregnant!  I promise it swells immediately after getting a positive pregnancy test haha.

Weston and I are thrilled to add another little one to our family!  We weren’t expecting to get pregnant so quickly after our missed miscarriage in December, but we are incredibly thankful for God’s perfect timing.  Camryn is the best big sister already!  She likes to kiss and rub my belly and talk to “her baby.”  We have enjoyed watching her interact with other babies and see how excited she gets!  We can’t wait to see how much she loves Baby Mason!

Here’s a list of questions we’ve been asked since sharing about our growing family:

When did you find out?

We found out on Good Friday!  I was nauseous and falling asleep around 7:30pm every night for a week, so I decided to take a pregnancy test that Friday.  I was exactly 4 weeks pregnant!

How did you tell Weston?

I took the pregnancy test while Weston was getting ready for work.  It was so hard not to tell him right away, but I had a special way I wanted to share the news.  I waited until he came home for lunch and told him that I needed him to help me record an Instagram reel of Camryn.  I set up my phone to record him and instructed him to record Camryn as she ran into the room.  After getting him in place, I quickly changed Camryn into the big sister shirt I bought and had hidden in her closet since January.  Camryn ran straight to Weston and gave him a hug.  He saw her shirt and said, “What? Are you for real?”

Did you tell Camryn?

Yes!  Even though she is super talkative, we knew that she wouldn’t blab to anyone about being a big sister since she’s not quite old enough to fully comprehend what that means.  After telling Weston, we sat Camryn down and told her she is a big sister.  She stood up as if she couldn’t believe it.  Then she surprised us and said, “sister,” when we asked what was on her shirt!

How did you tell your family and friends?

We wanted to tell our families in person, so we tried to wait until everyone was together to share the big news.  With the tax deadline being extended to May 17 this year, it was much more difficult to make trips to see everyone and tell them in person.  We had to do more FaceTime calls than we would have liked, but it was important to us to get everyone’s reactions on video.  Check out the video at the bottom of this post!

What is your due date?

My due date is December 10, but my doctor already scheduled me for a c-section on December 3 since I had a c-section with Camryn.  December 3 is very special to us since I had a D&C on December 4 last year.  We never expected our next pregnancy to coordinate with this date, but how great is God??  He turned our mourning into joy! (Jeremiah 31:13).

The timing is quite perfect for my business because I already take off the entire month of December and January is typically a slower month. Plus, our baby will arrive during the most wonderful time of the year!

How have you been feeling?

From 3 weeks to 11 weeks, I was falling asleep around 7:30pm just about every night.  It was tough to keep up with my photo editing, but I managed to deliver all my galleries within the promised time frame.  I have been nauseous most days and usually for the entire day.  I haven’t had as many headaches with this pregnancy as I did with the last one and I haven’t thrown up like I did with the last two.  I’m praying that I don’t throw up at all!  With my last pregnancy, I threw up from taking my prenatal vitamin.  Everyone said to take it at night instead, but I could never remember to do that.  I did learn with this pregnancy that if I eat something right before taking my prenatal, I don’t gag or get nauseous.  It still blows my mind that prenatal vitamins are the only pills that have that affect on me.

Have you had any weird cravings?

Thankfully, I haven’t had any cravings for weird combinations of foods.  I recently started craving salads with ranch dressing.  I have had more food aversions than anything.  Just thinking about eating eggs or Taco Bell made me nauseous for a few weeks.  Sometimes if the food Weston was eating was really strong, he would have to move farther away from me so I wouldn’t get sick!

Have you picked out names?

We have picked out names, but we are keeping them a surprise until the baby arrives.  We shared initials with our last pregnancy, but we may or may not share them for this one.  I’m still undecided on sharing initials this time.  The name will remain a mystery to everyone but us until the baby arrives though.  Sorry, not sorry!

Did you plan on having a second child?

Yes!  Weston and I actually talked to my doctor about having a second child at my 6-week checkup after Camryn was born.  Camryn definitely gave us baby fever that we were not expecting!  After our missed miscarriage last year, we were devastated but ready to grow our family.  We didn’t know how long it would take to get pregnant again, but we’re thankful it was only 3 months later!

Can I touch your belly?

Like I said before, if you didn’t touch my belly before I had a baby, I don’t want you touching it now.

Are you going to find out the gender?

YES!  We are anxious to find out if we are having a boy or a girl, but we want to wait and get the results at the anatomy scan.  As difficult as it will be, we are going to wait until our gender reveal party a few weeks after that to find out the gender.

If you still have questions after reading all of this, feel free to message me!  I’m happy to answer any questions you have about Baby Mason!  We are thrilled that God chose to bless us with a second child this year!

That last photo makes me laugh!  Camryn didn’t want her feet to touch the sand, so we had to improvise a little. 🙂

Huge thanks to Aly Hughes for getting up at 5:30 am on a Saturday so we could get beach pictures in the best light!

Okay, here’s the video of everyone’s reactions!  Enjoy!

  1. Lynn Campbell says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love watching your family grow! The video is just precious!! All the various reactions made me smile big! It’s fun to watch how people react to big news like this! December will be here before you know it and what a special December it will be for the Mason family this year! God Bless you all!

  2. Douglas N. Shelton says:

    Great blog and video plus a beautiful big sister!

  3. sharonmastel says:

    Congratulations on your growing family! It’s heartwarming to hear about Camryn’s excitement to be a big sister. Your creative reveal to Weston must have been so special, and I’m sure your families were overjoyed despite the challenges of sharing the news during the tax season. December 3 holds such significance for you, and it’s incredible how things align sometimes. Wishing you a smooth pregnancy journey ahead, filled with love and blessings. Your openness and positivity shine through, and it’s inspiring to see your joy radiate through your words. Sending lots of love and best wishes to you, Weston, Camryn, and Baby Mason! 💕👶🎉

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