May 3, 2024

Engagement Session in Camden, Alabama

Posted in: Engagements/Couples

It’s always a huge compliment when a former bridesmaid asks you to be her wedding photographer. AnJoy, who was a bridesmaid in a wedding I photographed a few years back, reached out to me for her own engagement session with Garrett. It was a delight to reconnect and capture this special milestone for them.

Finding the perfect date for their engagement session was no easy feat, considering AnJoy’s demanding nursing schedule and the flurry of wedding events for friends filling their calendar. Eventually, a serendipitous Tuesday in April aligned for us, and we ventured to a stunning private estate in Camden, Alabama. The day before, we were watching the weather like a hawk and wondering if we would have to reschedule. Rain was in the forecast, but we waited until Tuesday morning to see if it would change. Sure enough, the skies opened up and we were greeted with the most gorgeous sunny day.

The estate’s sprawling grounds offered a myriad of picturesque settings. As we strolled, we were graced with an unexpected and heartwarming sight: a baby bird bravely attempting to fly. It paused in its endeavors, as if acknowledging our presence before taking flight once more.

After a quick outfit change, we continued our exploration, discovering pockets of enchanting light behind cascading rose-covered vines. Each scene we encountered seemed tailor-made for their love story, providing a backdrop that perfectly reflected their connection and excitement for the future.

As the day drew to a close, I left the estate with a memory card brimming with images that captured not just smiles and poses, but genuine moments of love. AnJoy and Garrett, thank you so much for trusting me with your engagement and wedding photography! I am already counting down the days until I get both of you in front of the camera again this fall!

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