October 23, 2018

How to Support Your Photographer Friend – Without Spending a Dime!

Posted in: For Brides, For Photographers

People assume that the only way to support their photographer friend is by booking them.  While it is certainly appreciated, you can do little things that won’t cost you a dime, but will mean a lot to your photographer.

1. Refer them to people that need a photographer

This one is kind of obvious and I think most people do a great job with it.  A friend will post on Facebook that they are looking for a photographer and you tag your photographer friend or their page.  Super simple.  Job well done!

2. Engage with them on social media

Photographers spend a ridiculous amount of time posting to social media to stay in the public eye and attract potential clients.  People are more likely to hire someone that they trust and they are more likely to trust someone that other people trust – i.e. they have a lot of followers and they get a lot of likes and comments.  It’s easy to get in the habit of just scrolling on social media, but if your photographer friend posted a photo that you like, please do them a favor and actually like it (and comment if you wish!).  I have heard a lot of people say that it’s weird to like a photo of people you don’t know, but I promise it means a lot to both the photographer and the people in the photo!

3. Words of Affirmation

Being a business owner is hard work and can be lonely at times.  If you see your friend doing something or posting something that you like, tell them you liked it!  A kind word from you can be just the boost that we need to get us motivated to keep going.

4. Don’t ask them to work for free

Okay, so you may end up spending money for this one if you truly want to book their services.  The point is, we get asked all year to photograph events and people for free.  I’m not against donating photography (in fact, I donate a few sessions throughout the year), but I’m not very likely to donate my services when someone asks me to shoot for free just because they need a photographer and don’t want to pay for it.

5. Don’t give up on them

I know the natural thing to do is stop inviting people to events or to hang out if they keep turning you down, but please don’t do this to your photographer friend!  It’s hard work running a business and most of our gigs are on the weekends.  It kills us inside that we can’t be there with our friends, but keep asking us and we will make it there one day.  It’s a lot easier to be there with you if we know the plans well in advance.  Don’t give up on us!


Do you have other tips to support your photographer friend?  Share them in the comments!

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