January 24, 2023

Tyler, Alabama Senior Session

Posted in: Seniors

It’s always a gamble when you schedule portraits in Central Alabama. You never know if you’re going to get a bright, sunny day or a gloomy, rainy day. On my way to Clay’s senior session, it was cloudy and overcast. Not my favorite weather to shoot in, but I knew I could make it work. Then as I was driving, it started raining! It rained the entire 30-minute drive. I prayed the whole way there that it would let up long enough to do Clay’s senior portraits.

When I arrived, it was still sprinkling, but I was relieved to see plenty of covered areas where we could take pictures. Score! I didn’t mind if I got sprinkled on since I wasn’t in the photos, but I wanted to make sure Clay didn’t have rain drops in his senior portraits.

We started next to a tin structure that had a covered area in front of it. Such a cool background for photos! Then, we moved to a barn with the tractors. I had to stand in the rain while I took these, but it was totally worth it. I really love the shot where I’m shooting through another tractor and you can see it in the foreground. Our final stop was the camp house with rocking chairs on the front porch. I also had Clay sit on the front steps while I stood in the bushes to get the angle I wanted – another favorite shot!

Clay, thank you so much for being a good sport while I took your senior portraits! I know most guys don’t love the whole picture thing, but moms always love pictures of their kids and these will be treasured for years to come. I hope you have a wonderful final semester of your senior year – you’re almost to the finish line!

  1. Alicia says:

    Love these pictures!! Thank you so much

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